
Let me give you a sample of the conversation I’ve been having with my friends, family, and the occasional stranger during the last 2 months. 

“I’m leaving NYC in April.”

“Oh really, where are you going???”

“I’m not sure.”


“I mean I’m leaving to go on a road trip across the country for 3 months in order to find where I want to live next. This country is huge right, there has to be something outside of Manhattan?…right?”

“Oh my god, that is amazing. I’m so jealous”

“Yeh, small detail, I cant Drive.”


Yeh, so I’m probably the only person who plans a life changing event while missing the actual skill to be able to bring this dream to reality. I can’t drive. I mean, I can, sort of. I have a license…from when I passed my test 9 years ago in the small town of Savannah, Ga. Admittedly, I probably would not have passed me, but she did and apparently I was a better driver than 90% of drivers in the state so….? But here’s the thing, would I call myself a driver. God, no. No, I would not.

So back to my life altering plans. While planning this trip I have realized there are a lot of things I can’t do. And to say I can’t is only for dramatic effect, because the reality is of course I can, nothing is rocket science, apart from actual rocket science. That I definitely cannot do. However, in planning this epic journey, of 3 months of travel across the country, country I’ve never seen, I have realized I do not posses the experience ( a much nicer way to phrase I can’t) to do many things. For example, I’ve never really hiked, or white water rafted, or been on any type of river floating device (apprerntly I think there are tons of floating devices?!). I’ve never camped, or slept outside (being 13 on camp at school I do not count) I’ve never been to the mountains, or the desert, or really anywhere that’s not a city. It sounds at first depressing, and sad. Like you want to give me a hug and say, it’s OK, while you smirk at how boring my life must be. However, the truth is I see it as a good thing. Because I am changing it.

I looked at my life and realized there has to be more than what I have, and I decided 2018 is the year I change it. I’ve worked in NYC for 9 years, like a dog, miserable and uncomfortable making more money every year to live in smaller apartments in better areas. I was burned out, bitter, and starting to loose faith why I left my home in London to come to America. My hope, is that this trip reminds me. And while it’s reminding me I hope it shows me that what I cannot do, is just a matter of experience, and over the next 3 months, I’ll have more new experiences than I will know what to do with. 

Game on life.

All pics taken my me 🙂 If you like them follow me on IG


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